



• 香港島教區婦女團;

• 東九龍教區婦女團;

• 西九龍教區婦女團; 及

• 澳門傳道地區婦女團

總團團牧由大主教委派,常務委員會由各教區及澳門傳道地區之婦女團代表從各教區及澳門傳道地區之婦女團常務委員中選 出 14 人(各教區 4 人,澳門傳道地區 2 人),總團長由常務委員會從各支團團長中推選產生。 三位教區主教均為總團的贊助人,另有主教夫人、牧者、及有關人仕為顧問,協助總團發展及提供寶貴意見。



總團的工作是秉承聖公宗倡導之傳道與服務宗旨,藉賴上主的引導,輔助教會廣傳福音 ,服務教會與社會。總團的事工主要協助香港聖公會各牧區培育婦女信徒追求靈命的長進,及尋求在現今時代中的角色與使命,不時舉辦講座、退修會及籌辦佈道會,也積極參與社會服務,有定期探訪活動。








如有意捐助請聯絡香港聖公會各堂婦女部代表或郵遞劃線支票 (抬頭:「香港聖公會婦女總團」或“Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Women’s League”) 至本團辦事處地址:

香港 中環 上亞厘畢道1號,地下5-6室,香港聖公會婦女總團收











Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Women’s League

A Brief Introduction


History and Organisation

The history of Sheng Kung Hui’s women work in China dates back to the nineteenth century in Shanghai.  The Women’s Service Group in Hong Kong and Macau was initially affiliated to the Kong Yuet Diocese of Zhonghua Shenggong Hui and later became under the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao, named the Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao Women’s Service Group. After the establishment of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui as an Anglican Province, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Women’s League (below referred to as “the League”) was formally established on 20th March 1999.  The League is a women fellowship group under the auspices of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. She liaises the women groups of the three Dioceses and the Missionary Area in the Province, i.e.

·      The Diocese of Hong Kong Island Women’s League;

·      The Diocese of Eastern Kowloon Women’s League;

·      The Diocese of Western Kowloon Women’s League; and

·      The Missionary Area of Macau Women’s League.

The Chaplain of the League is appointed by the Archbishop and the executive committee of the League comprises of 14 members elected from the executive committee members of the diocesan and missionary area women’s leagues (3 from each diocesan women’s league and 2 from the missionary area women’s league) by representatives of the diocesan and missionary area women’s leagues. The chair of the League is elected from the chairpersons of the diocesan and missionary area women’s leagues by the members of the executive committee. The three diocesan bishops are the patrons of the League and there is a group of advisers, comprising of bishop’s spouse, clergy and senior members closely related to the League, supporting the development and giving valuable advices to the League.


Works of the League

In line with the Anglican mission of evangelism and social services and with the guidance of our Lord, the Women’s League’s mission is mainly to assist the parishes in the HKSKH to nurture female believers to pursue spiritual growth and find their roles and callings in the contemporary world, organizing talks, retreats and organisaing evangelistic rally etc from time to time. Other than that, the League also actively participates in volunteer works, such as regularly visiting elderly homes.

The League also seeks opportunities to collaborate with theological college and related organization to encourage more women to pursue studies in theology and enter the ordained ministry.  For this purpose the League has established the HKSKH Women’s League Scholarship at Ming Hua Theological College and has also subidised lectures and publication of research on women ministry.

The Women’s League constantly seeks renewal in order to ensure it can respond to current social condition.  Apart from striving to assist the Church to promote nurture and mission, it also endeavours to widen its worldview.  Over the years, the League has been representing Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui to participate in organizing “World Prayer Day” and other women ministry organized by the Hong Kong Christian Council, fully witnessing to the ecumenical spirit of unity in faith.  Furthermore, she has also sent representatives as observers in the United Nation’s Conference of the Commission on the Status of Women in New York, United States and seeking exchanges with other overseas parishes. 

In order to better coordinate the implementation of her missions, the League has established three steering committees to formulate strategies and develop concrete plans for her internal and external affairs and communications.  Regarding internal development, the League plans to enhance nurture work, not only in encouraging its members to seek personal spiritual growth, but also to develop training programs to equip them to better serve the Church and the community.  Regarding external works, the League actively explores possibilities to establish closer ties with the wider community churches and fellowships through overseas visits and study trips, in order to bear witness to the universal Christian love as well as widening her horizon.



The League organises annual fund raising campaigns to support her various works.  Apart from sponsoring nurture and mission works of various parishes and mission areas, donations collected are also used to help underprivileged groups through related charitable and social services institutions.  The League hopes that her fundraising campaigns could help to sustain the works and missions of the parishes and related organisations.

The League sincerely hope that brothers and sisters in Christ would participate and help to promote her works, for the benefit of our fellowmen and the glory of our Lord.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact the League representative at any Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui parish church or send cheques (Payee “ Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Women’s League”) to the League’s office at:

HKSKH Women’s League Office, Rooms 5&6, No.1 Upper Albert Road,  Central, Hong Kong.





Updated in August 2020