Take it home---'What is a pathway on my life?' - 帶回家的收穫---“什麼是我人生的道路?”

作者:  Sarch Chan 陳劉麗嬋(2015)
發佈日期:2020-01-10 轉寄文章 列印文章

Taking it home --- ‘What is a pathway on my life?’


The 59th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) was rounded off in New York City on 20th March, 2015.  It was such a great and precious experience for me, not only having the privilege to meet delegates from different provinces face to face, but also to establish our fellowship deeper than before through sharing with each other, discussing in groups, attending the events together, worshipping with other ecumenical women and  exploring the New York City when we were free… I wish networking in our Anglican Communion will be connected further in the future.


During fifteen days of the conference, there were lots of remarkable speeches presented by brilliant speakers. Most importantly, there was a big challenging question to each of our delegates - ‘What will I take home?’


Dr. Gertrude Mongella, former Under-Secretary General pointed out ‘Violence and Discrimination against Women; Poverty, Inequalities and Climate Change; Education and Training of Women and Girls; Women and Health’ are urgently needed to be raised and changed.


Mother Marie Carme Chery said, ‘If we want to do something we need to start where we are.’ 


‘When you educate a woman, you educate a whole society,’ expressed by Faith Meitiaki, Kenya.


Bishop Catherine Roskam shared with us, ‘Educate people in their own context, because culture counts.’


The above concerns are just like joined rings which are interdependent. To a certain extent, some of these problems exist in our local city, too.  Maybe it is a good chance to invite those delegates of HKSKH (Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui), who previously attended CSW, to get together and make relevant suggestions or give advice to our Women's League when we make about our annual plan / three-year plan in the coming year. We may firstly focus on finding resources to provide different trainings for women and girls in order to help them have a well-balanced and healthy life in physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Hopefully, some dedicated leaders in each parish of our province will be cultivated in a few years’ time.



Sarah from Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui




在十五日的會議中,有很多優秀講員,發表出眾的演講。最重要的是,對我們每一個代表有一個很具挑戰性的問題 :“我將帶什麼回家?”

聯合國前副秘書長格特魯德·蒙蓋拉博士指出,有需要迫切地提出"對婦女的暴力和歧視; 貧窮,不平等和氣候變化; 對婦女和女童的教育和培訓; 婦女與健康"這些問題,並且作出改變。

瑪麗奇瑞修女說 :"若我們想要有所為,我們需要從我們身處的地方開始。"

肯尼亞的Faith Meitiaki表示 :"當你教育一個女人,你教育整個社會。"

Catherine Roskam主教與我們分享 :"[我們要]在人自身的處境內作教育,因為文化是重要的。”
